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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sky Movie Channel PIN entry - RESOLVED

At last, finally got around to getting this sorted with plenty help from the DVBlink forum.

So as you know, sky has PIN protection on movie channels pre-water shed,
which is a pain and will limit your movie recording via media center to after that time only.

No any longer ;-)

First, go thru the epg menus and ENABLE pin protection on all move channels,
there is a setting to do this, so anytime for all movie channels you will require PIN.

This makes it easier then to automate the PIN entry script.

I added this to my channel-change.cmd hook for use with DVBlink

here it is:

:: Change directory to the location of this CMD file.
pushd %~dp0

:: Print some debugging info in a log file named after this CMD file
FOR /f "tokens=*" %%G IN ('date /t') DO set CURDATE=%%G
FOR /f "tokens=*" %%G IN ('time /t') DO set CURTIME=%%G
echo [%CURDATE% %CURTIME%] %~n0 %* >> %~n0.log

"sky-control.exe" --sky+ --channel %1

for %%i in (301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339) do (
if "%%i" == "%1" (
C:\"Program Files (x86)"\DVBLogic\DVBLink\Data\HDPVR\hooks\sky-control.exe --sky+hd 5CCB 5CCB 5CCB 5CCB 5CCB 5C09 5C01 5C09 5C04
echo Movie channel FINISHED! sending PIN >> %~n0.log

:: TODO Check ERRORLEVEL returned by the tuning software
if '%ERRORLEVEL%'=='0' goto :END
goto :ERROR

:: Jump here with a GOTO to report an error
echo Error changing channel, ERRORLEVEL=%ERRORLEVEL% >> %~n0.log
exit 1

:: Jump here with a GOTO for a success
echo Channel changed successfully >> %~n0.log
exit 0

5C09 5C01 5C09 5C04 is my pin, see here to get urs:

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